Yesterday, I received a very exciting email in my IN box. It was from the managing editor of American Fitness Magazine, with great news that they were interested in having me write an article for an upcoming issue of their magazine.
If you are a writer, you know how awesome this is.
I have been a writer, in some way, shape or form, since high school. I've written personally and professionally for newspapers, blogs, trade publications, my OWN blog and wow, now a fitness magazine.
I am humbled to think that someone out there sees something in me to take a chance on letting me publish in their publication.
That means I get a haven't had one of those since my newspaper reporter days.
:) So I'm thinking that my topic will be on what inspires me...I think that I am in a great spot personally to write about something like that. But it will be hard to narrow the topic down. I mean, so many things inspire me:
My kids
My husband
My mom
My sister, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law and brothers.
Beyond my family:
So many women I met through my years at Body Boutique. They are amazing.
Watching someone set a goal for him or herself and then WORK to meet it.
Those who persevere through sickness, sadness & death of someone close to them.
Parents who play with their kids.
Kids who work hard - in school, sports, music, song, dance.
Really - I'm really not sure how I will rope all of this into a 200-word article.
But I'm going to try. And thanks to everyone who HAS inspired know who you are. :)
All the best in health!
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